American Ballet Theatre Studio Company in Sedona
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The Sedona Chamber Ballet (SCB), a 501(c)3 charitable corporation, is thrilled to announce that the American Ballet Theatre (ABT) Studio Company will perform live in Sedona on March 15, 2023. ABT was designated America’s National Ballet Company® by an Act of Congress in 2006. ABT is headquartered in New York City with spring and fall seasons at Lincoln Center.
While we are most fortunate that the Arizona Community Foundation provided a grant to Sedona Chamber Ballet which will cover some of the cost to engage ABT; the Sedona Chamber Ballet will have significant additional costs for SPAC, the technical crew, transportation, food and housing for the dancers, artistic management and technical crew (a total of 17 people). SCB hopes you will consider supporting this event with a donation. All donors will be recognized in the program and on our website. Read More