Phase I
A Short Film
Music, Dance, Visual Arts & Words
The short film, Merope, follows a personification of the hidden star on a journey towards emancipation from the ties that historically have bound her and her six sisters, the Pleiades constellation, in a narrative about captivity and victimization, towards a new story where she claims visibility and a more authentic place in the universe for her and her sisters.
We have calcium in our bones, iron in our veins, carbon in our souls, and nitrogen in our brains. 93% Stardust, with souls made of flames. We are all just stars that have peoples names.
Nikita Gill
Merope Explained
When choosing our first ‘reflection’, we searched for a universal theme that would speak to all of us, and settled on the myths surrounding the Pleiades – popularly known as the seven sisters. By choosing the story of Merope – A Journey to Authenticity, we will explore the hidden gem she might hold for each of us, and focus on self empowerment through authenticity.
As a “dark sky” community, Sedona offers the perfect backdrop for this project and it will premiere as a filmed, virtual and live event featuring new choreography performed by renowned dancer Jordan Pelliteri to the music of Pleiades, by Sedona based award winning composer Christel Veraart.
Merope – The Story
Once upon a time, some hundred million years ago, out of a gigantic cloud of gas and dust, seven star-sisters made their appearance into the world. Born within minutes of each other they emerged into space, a place far away from us, — into a space, void of time and idiom, where judgement did not exist.
Each star-sister came into the world bearing heavenly gifts that held the promise of beaming their brightest shimmer into the world. Uniquely gifted, the sisters became archetypes for wisdom, justice, moderation, faith, hope, generosity and, last but not least, authenticity. Growing up wasn’t easy for the sisters but somehow life dealt Merope, the youngest of the sisters, a much harder hand and due to life’s tribulations Merope lost her luster and in the process her gift, her authenticity […]
Reflections Festival – Phase I – Merope
Reflections Festival is a multi-genre exploration of the human collective, that aims to engage renowned composers, musicians, dancers, choreographers, storytellers, filmmakers and actors and make Northern Arizona the home of a world class summer retreat for education, exploration, collaboration and production in the performing and visual arts.
Each year Reflections Festival will choose a specific theme for that year on which it will focus. Our inaugural theme, Fall/Winter 2022, will be presented as both a seven minute film and one day live event, focusing on finding our authentic selves through the story of Merope, — the hidden seventh sister of the Pleiades star cluster. We wonder whether Merope, who cannot be seen with the naked eye, is in fact our authentic self.
Our seven minute film consists of five scenes. Each of these scenes featuring dance, music, spoken word, and visual arts. We are scheduled to film August 13 & 14, 2022.
Merope – Film Pitch Deck
Please click on the video to watch the pitch deck to view the pitch deck we have created for our film Merope – A Journey to Authenticity. If you prefer to click through at your own pace, please click the orange link instead. As this is quite a big project, this may take a minute to load!
In a perfect world, this is how we envision our film! Each one of the authors and visual artists have inspired us profoundly and we are honored that these artist have joined us.
Please note this pitch deck is a sketch and by no means a finished product. This is just to provide the concept.
NOTE: Pitch Deck is under construction, please bear with us!
Merope – Overviews
Please click on the orange links to view the overviews we have created for Merope – A Journey to Authenticity. You can click through and pause at your own pace. As these are quite large files, they may take a moment to load!
Please note these overviews are sketches and by no means a finished product. These are just to provide our team with concepts.
NOTE: Overviews are under construction, please bear with us!
Film Locations
The video depicts the hike into our outdoor film shoot location. The video was shot on June 12 at 5:30 am.
The temperature was 62 degrees Fahrenheit and the total hike is around 10 minutes. The location is about 200 feet long by 20 to 40 feet wide and the suggested location for filming, as it is flat, is around 50 by 10 feet.
Our indoor, black box, location will take place at the Sedona Arts Academy.
Team Page
If you are a team member, you will have access to our Trello Team Page. Please feel free to check and update as needed.
Merope for Children
As part of Phase I of our Reflections Festival, we are presenting a two day workshop for children where they Learn about the famous seven sister stars and the ONE that is MISSING!
Please join us in Dance – Drawing – Writing and help us Create your own Story & Song
Other Projects
Location To Be Determined
The Festival
Location To Be Determined

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